
EMSL Committee Meeting – 13th September 2016

Charlie Hallam

Thanks to Harvey for picking up the actions from the last meeting.

Congratulations to the Pyros and the Pyros Juniors who are now guaranteed 1st & 2nd place in the league this season.

Playoffs for the second division will go ahead on the 25th Sept. Notice to go out to let people know and invite people to watch.

We have the room from 7pm for party to start at 7:30pm. There hasn’t been a response from Moderns RFC around the food yet, so we are still waiting to hear about prices.

David to create closed Facebook event to gauge how many people are coming.

Indoor balls have been ordered. Phil is completing an inventory of kit that we have belonging to the EMSL – much more than anticipated.

To look into the possibility of having a lock up.

Ian supplied a list of all BASU qualified umpires. 25 coins/patches have been ordered so there will be some spare for the umpiring course next year.

Ian to email Chris Moon and advise him not to process any ordered placed by EMSL umpires as we have purchased these on their behalf.

Number of issues with venues not marked over the season. There was an issue at West Park on Sunday with the football pitch being looked into.

Phil to contact Nigel and find out what happened.

View to seriously consider Moderns as a venue again.

There have been problems with availability for games this season which has resulted in games being played well into September. This has caused issues with light when playing the last of the games. The view to include another night for league games (i.e. Tuesday) which will help alleviate some of the pressure to schedule, and shorten the length of the season. It may also mean we can have a break between the spring and summer half.

This will need to be taken to vote at the AGM.

Charlie is unavailable to organise indoor this year.

Harvey has volunteered to organise the schedule and the sessions.

Sessions to run:

  • 23rd October – 18th December
  • 8th January – 12th March

All transfers need to be communicated to the committee. The transfer rules are to be discussed with the potential of suggesting we must sanction all transfer requests.

Paul wanted to propose doing away with the rule about having to start the game with the same number of players you intend to play with (e.g. starting with 5&5 and moving to 6&6 if someone shows up late).

Rule is currently in place, so this will need to be voted on at the AGM. The committee have reminded that for the time being, if both the captains agree, this rule can be vetoed.

Tuesday 11th October – 7:30pm

Dates to be put forward for meetings in November and January.